
A short overview of our modus operandi was relayed to participants of our research:

1) Introduction of ourselves
2) Aim of our Research
3) How they could aid us by allowing us to take their height & weight

Data Collection

Date: 28th June 2010
Time: 1300 – 1340
Venue: Outside LTH1
Sample Size: 33 (15 females, 18 males)
Age Limit: 17 to 25 years
Random sampling of participants was conducted in NYP compound
Participants are of various races to ensure there is no biasness

Instruments used:

(1) Digital Weighing Scale (kg)
(2) Measuring tape (cm)


There are a total of 6 members in our group.

3 group members were stationed at the height and weight stations as well as to approach participants while another 3 group members were assigned to record data at each station and for phototaking

Data Collection Procedure
  • Random selection of participants
  • Samples of 33 students were asked randomly to have their height and weight taken
  • Height: measured from the plantar surface of the feet to the top of the head
  • Way of measuring height: remove shoes, stand straight against the wall and look straight ahead, plastic board placed above their head to ensure that their height was accurate
  • Weight: measured as recorded on weighing scale
  • Way of measuring weight: remove shoes, step onto weighing scale and stand with their weights equally distributed on both feet
  • BMI was calculated manually: BMI = weight (kg) / (height)² (m²)

Our digital weighing scale

The scale switches on upon stepping on it.

We made use of a 2kg weight to ensure the weighing scale was accurate.

The standard way of weighing.

Our willing first victim!

Some of the participants were really shy.

THE measuring tape.

Our dear Koshini hard at work.

Now taking one of the participant's weight.

A participant looks on.